October 2019

Dear One,

It is difficult for me to believe that I have been living in Florida for six months.
What is not difficult is how I have adjusted and how much I am enjoying this chapter of my life.
Gratitude has become a large part of my daily consciousness.

September 28th is the start of the Jewish New Year, and the beginning of a conscious time of "penitence."
I love this holiday Rosh Hashanah. When the shofar is blown (which starts the holiday) it is a wake up call:
it summons us in all humility to "carefront" our errors with humility. It is a "training" ground for opening up to acceptance and forgiveness and to truly turn our lives over to G-d. 
This time teaches us that we have no control over our future... and we are asked: "How should I live right now?"

My challenge has been to accept the flaws in my personality, and to allow, accept to embrace and then to forgive not only myself but all whom I have judged and condemned.
This is the way. This is why I love this holiday. 
I contemplate, and open my heart to what I have unmercifully judged in myself. There is a very meaningful process during this holiday in which we write down all that we want to let go of, and then cast the list into the water leaving our shortcomings behind us we enter this New Year.
The last day of Yom Kippor is dedicated to introspection as we pray for G-d to forgive us and to write us into The Book of Life for this new year.
"On Rosh Hashanah it is written and on Yom Kippor it is sealed"... this is a poem that is part of the liturgy.
(Leonard Cohen wrote music to this, see link below)

I will be leaving to teach in Brazil from October 14 thru the 31st.

Please take care of yourselves.

Dear G-d,
Please help me to clear my mind of any thought that is unloving.
May the world I live here on earth reflect the reality of your love.
Help me to look on others, and all events with love.
It is your love and your counsel that I seek to guide me,
Dear G-d, please remind me of who I am.

Barbara Azzara (Glabman-Cohen)

Please listen to the song: